Most of our funding comes from our Parish Precept which forms part of the Council Tax paid by properties within the Parish.
We publish a range of financial information so that you can see what we've been spending and the outcomes of our annual audits.
We are covered by the Freedom of Information Act 2000. This give people the right of access to information we hold, subject to certain exemptions.
You can find a lot of information on our website, but our FOI Publication Scheme provides details of the information available and how it can be obtained.
You can download our Publication Scheme below.
We have adopted a range of policies and procedure which explain how we work, make decisions and how we deal with various matters.
These include
Our Code of Conduct lists a number of interests which councillors have to register. The Register is publicly available and further information can be obtained by contacting our Clerk.
Our Standing Orders set out how we operate and the Financial Regulations are the rules which govern how we deals with our finances.
The Code of Conduct covers Councillors when they are taking part in Council business, and all Councillors must agree to abide by it following their election.
In line with our responsibilities under the Transparency Code for Smaller Authorities, we make a range of information available on our website.
Hamsteels Community Centre
Western Avenue
Esh Winning
Co. Durham DH7 9LS
Telephone 07947 409258
All Rights Reserved | Cornsay Parish Council